PO Box 1601
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1601
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Doctor of Philosophy, history,
Dissertation: “Culture: Stasis and Change: Indian-White Relations in Mexico and the United States 1930-1985, Yaqui and Mescalero Apache Perspectives.”
honors: graduated magna cum laude
University of California, Berkeley (Boalt School of Law)
J.D. degree
New York University, New York City
M.A. degree, urban history
honors: graduated magna cum laude
College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, N.Y.
B.A. degree, history/psychology
honors: graduated cum laude with honors in history
Honor Society
Danforth Fellowship nominee
NM House of Representatives. Democratic Leadership. House Energy and Natural Resources Committee; House Agriculture and Water; House Voters and Elections Committee. 1994-1996, 2003-07 Legislative Sessions; Committee Analyst House Health and Government Affairs 2008, 2010.
NM Public Defender, Santa Fe. Sept 1975 May 1976;
DNA/People’s Legal Services. Crownpoint, N. M. Summer 1975;
California Indian Legal Services. Oakland, Ca. Sept 1974–May 1975;
United Farmworkers Union. Delano, Ca. Summer 1974
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Land Use Facilitator. City of Albuquerque, NM. Nov 2006-2010.
Contract with Sonoran Institute. Great Sand Dunes Natl Park Access. Multi-Party.Sept-Oct 2006.
FEMA ADR Cadre April 2006-10
First Judicial District Settlement Conference Referee/Mediator 2006-10
Contract with Santa Fe Housing Authority 2005-09
Community Healthcare Meeting Facilitator. Citizens HealthCare Group. Multi-Party March 2006.
Private Mediations. January 2001-present. 95% settlement (includes contracts, neighbors, divorce/family, boundary, workplace)
NM First Townhall. Facilitation Team for Statewide Water Plan. Sept. 2003; NM Watersheds, Nov. 2005; Statewide Meeting on Education April 2006 All Multi-Party.
Better Business Bureau. Auto Arbitration. Spring 2001-2007.
Santa Fe Magistrate Court Mediation Program
January 2001—2004 74% settlement rate (includes contracts, construction, real estate, landlord- tenant, neighbors, quasi-divorce)
Municipal Court Mediation Program Referrals December 2000-2005 94% settlement rate (includes neighbors and misdemeanors)
Life Center for Youth and Adults Agua Fria Elementary School
School Mediation Program (mediator and /trainer/coach) January 2001—May 2001 100% settlement rate
NM Center for Dispute Resolution School Mediation Program and Victim Offender Program December 2000–2004 100% settlement rate (juveniles involved in theft, property damage, personal assaults)
Liaison Urban Policy Board. City of Santa Fe Planning Dept., Facilitated meetings of particular subcommittees.
Professional/Volunteer Associations:
Current (not complete)
American Bar Association/Dispute Resolution Section
State Bar of New Mexico
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Association of Attorney-Mediators
Alliance for Conflict Transformation
National Trust for Historic Preservation
New Mexico Guides Organization, LLC
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society
Western History Association
Organization of American Historians
Historical Society of New Mexico
Coordinating Council of Women in History
1000 Friends of New Mexico
Santa Fe Alliance
Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association
Collaborative Work
Organizer Community Day 2004; Peace Day 2004. NM Mediation Association (NMMA).
Organizing Committee. Resolution Day. 2004; Annual Meeting. 2003, 2004. NMMA.
Convenor May-Dec 2004. Northern NM Chapter. NMMA.
Study Group on Webpage Development. 2004; on Travel Grants. 2004; on Certification for Mediators Proposed to the NMMA
Study Group and Advisory Council for NM Senate Memorial 57 (Future of ADR in NM) March 2003—January 2004.
Various functions within Parent Organizations at Santa Fe Waldorf School (1984-1995) and Santa Fe Prepartaory School (included founding and administering food coupon program 0(1994-2001).
NM Endowment for the Humanities Speakers Bureau 2002-10
Historical Society of NM Speakers Bureau 2001-2010
Elderhostel. College of Santa Fe. May 1996-2001.
College of Santa Fe. September 1997- May 1998.
Southwest Seminars Quatro Centario series. 1998.
University of New Mexico. Santa Fe. Fall 1994
Santa Fe Preparatory School. January, October, November 1999
Santa Fe Indian School. September 1995–May 1996
Santa Fe Waldorf School. Fall 1985-spring 1986
Department of History University of New Mexico Fall 1987 summer 1992
Teach American History. U.S. Dept. of Education. April 2004, July 2005, March 2006.
National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Grant Program. 2002.
Water Matters! with Susan Kelly. Utton Transboundary and Natural Resource Center. University of NM. 2006.
For various projects requiring compliance with City of Santa Fe’s Archaeological Review Ordinance. See project list below.
Planning Dept. Mar—Oct 1980.
Preliminary Architectural Survey for Solar Access Ordinance. City of Santa Fe Planning Dept. Feb-April 1980.
Brief Initial History of 130 Grant St Santa Fe, NM for Pat French 2009.
History of 122 Grant St. Santa Fe, NM. For Thomas Reedy, Architect. Sept-Oct 2005
An Archaeological Inventory and Testing of .35 Acres at 824 Dunlap Street, Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters. 2004.
An Archaeological Inventory of .295 Acres at 103 So. St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters. 2003.
Cultural Resource Survey and Testing of .36 Acres for the Parks Properties within the City of Santa Fe Historic District, Santa Fe County, New Mexico with Douglas Boggess. 2002.
An Archaeological Inventory of 21.056 Acres for the San Mateo/Galisteo Project, Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters. 2002.
Preliminary Archaeological and Cultural Resource Survey for 762 ½ Agua Fria, Santa Fe, NM. April-May, 2000 with Roger Moore, archaeologist.
An Archaeological and Historical Cultural Landscape Study. Rio Grande Foundation for Communities and Cultural Landscapes/El Rancho de las Golondrinas December 1998-June 1999. OCA #98-300.
Independent Investigator/Historical Consultant 1986–present
HMS Associates. 1987—present
Bureau of National Affairs Washington D.C. June 1980 June 1981; Sept 1978 Sept.1979
Planning Department City of Santa Fe November 1979 March 1982
University of New Mexico Press. Summer 1985 August 1986
Mothering Magazine. Albuquerque, New Mexico January June 1984
A Well-Born Guide/Have Ph.D., Will Travel. Sept 1997—present. (in-town and out-of-town tours)
Santa Fe Detours. Jan 2000—2002 (in-town and out-of-town tours)
Santa Fe Walks. April 1998–Nov 1999. (in-town and out-of-town tours)
Desert Tours. Summer 1998. (in-town tours)
Afoot in Santa Fe. March 1995 —Sept. 1998. (in-town tours)
Mauro Montoya Collection History Library Museum of New Mexico Contract Sept.-Oct. 1993.
Las Vegas Ethnohistory Project/Laboratory of Anthropology (NM) Feb-May 1984
Mabel Dodge Luhan Exhibit. Museum of Fine Arts. March—June 1978.
Rio Grande Foundation for Communities and Cultural Landscapes/El Rancho de las Golondrinas March-June 1999.
San Marcos Pueblo. NM . July, 1999
Last Chance Canyon Survey. Lincoln National Forest. October 1998
Laboratory of Anthropology. Quemado Highway Salvage Project. Jan Nov 1977
La Posada Hotel. Santa Fe. Southwest Archaeological Consultants. December 1999.
Professional Projects:
Photo Research. NM History Museum. 2007.
Water Matters! with Susan Kelly. Utton Transboundary and Natural Resource Center. University of NM. 2006.
Reseached, wrote and edited informational pamphlet about significant water issues in the state.
An Archaeological Inventory and Testing of .35 Acres at 824 Dunlap Street, Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters. 2004.
Did archival/documentary research and wrote and edited part of the report and accompanying forms for partial fulfillment of the Archaeological Review District Ordinance in Santa Fe.
An Archaeological Inventory of .295 Acres at 103 So. St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters . 2003.
Same as above.
Cultural Resource Survey and Testing of .36 Acres for the Parks Properties within the City of Santa Fe Historic District, Santa Fe County, New Mexico with Douglas Boggess. 2002.
Same as above with oral history interviews.
An Archaeological Inventory of 21.056 Acres for the San Mateo/Galisteo Project, Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters. 2002.
Same as above and some monitoring of the site.
Preliminary Archaeological and Cultural Resource Survey for 762 ½ Agua Fria, Santa Fe, NM with Roger Moore. 2000.
Same as above and some monitoring of the site.
Cultural Resource Survey for Proposed Peralta Properties United Artists Theatres, Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe. 1999.
Directed the pedestrian archaeological survey of property and its structures, did documentary research, oral interviews and wrote and edited report and accompanying forms for partial fulfillment of the Archaeological Review District Ordinance in Santa Fe.
Lot on Galisteo Street/ Blaine Young, Architect. May-June 1986
Contract to research historical significance of building (now part of Plaza Mercado) in compliance with city’s Historic District ordinances.
Las Vegas Ethnohistory Project/Laboratory of Anthropology (NM). Stu Peckham, Director. Feb-May 1984
Research on history and architecture of Las Vegas, NM in nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries.
City of Santa Fe Planning Dept./Harry Moul, City Planner/Jim Siebert, Planning Director March–Oct 1980
Preliminary architectural survey of city’s Westside in order to create separate historic district for zoning and other purposes.
City of Santa Fe Planning Dept./Harry Moul, City Planner/Jim Siebert, Planning Director Feb—April 1980
Brief architectural survey of city to determine effectiveness of proposed solar access ordinance.
An Archaeological and Historical Cultural Landscape Study of El Rancho de las Golondrinas. Rio Grande Foundation for Communities and Cultural Landscapes. Nov 98-Feb 2000.
Manuscript history of occupation and archaeological survey of El Rancho de las Golondrinas. Did archival/documentary research concerning the property held by El Rancho de las Golondrinas in support of archaeological survey and contributed a chapter on these findings to the final report. Helped direct crew, did sketch maps, photos and artifact drawings on archaeological survey. Presented lectures for docents.
History of Sanbusco Marketplace Property. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D./ Southwest Archaeological Consultants. January 1998
Researched ownership of and possible structures on the site from 1610 until 1882 for partial fulfillment of the Archaeological Review District Ordinance in Santa Fe.
Baltazar Gracían Research/ HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. May-June 1996
Genealogical study of subject for descendent. Particularly interested in question of Jewish ancestry.
South Central New Mexico Regional Overview/HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. June-August 1988
Researched sections on timber, tourism, transportation. Contract with Historic Preservation Division, Office of Cultural Affairs, State of New Mexico.
Museum of Fine Arts/ MaLin Wilson, Curator March–June 1978
Research on Mabel Dodge Lujan and her associates and friends as part of exhibit for MFA.
Ownership of 130 Grant St. for Pat and Michael French. August 2009.
An Archaeological Inventory of .5 Acres at Delgado and Acequia Madre. Santa Fe, NM. with Ron Winters. 2006.
Researched ownership of and possible structures on the site from 1610 until 1882 for partial fulfillment of the Archaeological Review District Ordinance in Santa Fe.
History of Katherine Stinson Otero as Architect. 2005.
Researched archival holdings and secondary sources within the state on Katherine Stinson Otero and her role as architect to create biography of KSO as architect.
History of Stephen Elkins for Elizabeth Rodgers. 2005.
Researched archival holdings within the state on Elkins, William J. Palmer, Miguel A. Otero and related businesses.
Acoma Laguna Pueblo Water Rights. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. Feb-Oct, 2004; July, Sept. 2005; April 2006.
Researched historical water and land use through contract with OSE.
Road Easements in Santa Fe County. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. June-Dec, 2004; May-June 05. Researched land use and easements on certain pueblo lands in Santa Fe County.
Indian Water Rights. Adkins Research Associates. Richard Adkins. April-June, 2003.
Researched treaties rights of particular Apache bands, questions concerning leadership and genealogy of certain Apache leaders as support for water case concerning Gila River.
County of Santa Fe. Highway Right-of-Way in Santa Fe County. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. Nov 1999-Jan 2000.
Researched right-of-way issues on San Ildefonso Pueblo Land Grant for Santa Fe County.
State of NM ex rel State Engineer et al v. LT Lewis et al. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. Jan 1997
Researched water use of AT & SF Railway in the late 19th and early 20C in and near Las Vegas for possible use in lawsuit by the city of Las Vegas.
Lot on Pacheco St, Santa Fe/ HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. February 1994
For partial satisfaction of Phase I of Land Use Study.
Lot on Airport Road Santa Fe/ HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. April 1994
For partial satisfaction of Phase I of Land Use Study.
State of NM ex rel State Engineer et al v. LT Lewis et al. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D./Fran Levine, Ph.D. May-Nov 1994
Contract with Pecos Valley Artesian Conservancy District. Water study for the period from approximately 1870 until 1907 which was part of the documentation for the law suit.
US v. Leland Thompson et al. HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. May-June 1987
Historical and legal research re: boundary dispute.
Abiquiu Land Grant/ HMS Associates, Stan Hordes, Ph.D. 1987-88
Historical research on two 18th-century archaeological sites near Abiquiu. Contract with Laboratory of Anthropology (NM)
La Posada Hotel, Santa Fe, NM. Southwest Archaeological Consultants. Nov-Dec 1998
Monitored excavation of two sites on the hotel property. Recording of artifacts.
San Marcos Pueblo. NM July, 1999. David Thomas Hurst. Archaeological Conservancy. Collection and recording of artifacts.
El Rancho de las Golondrinas. La Cienega, NM. Feb-June 1999. Helped direct crew, did sketch maps, photos and artifact drawings
Last Chance Canyon. Chris Adams, Lincoln National Forest, Alamagordo, NM. Oct 1998
Archaeological survey of two 19th-century Apache battle sites in the Lincoln National Forest using metal detectors.
Laboratory of Anthropology/ Dave Kaiser, project archaeologist. Highway Salvage Project–Gila Wilderness. Jan-Nov 1977
Survey and excavation of several sites in right-of-way of proposed highway leading south from Quemado, NM. Included laying out of site in grids, collection and recording of artifacts, and use of transect and other survey tools.
Museum of New Mexico, Mauro Montoya Collection. Orlando Romero MLS/ Tom Chavez Ph.D. Sept-Nov 1993
Accessioned newly acquired collection that contained documents and artifacts from the seventeenth- through the twentieth-century–most having to do with New Mexico history.
“The Free Speech Movement and Mario Savio.” Encyclopedia of American Counterculture. TBA
Water Matters! With Susan Kelley. Utton Transboundary Resource Center. 2006.
“Santa Fe: The City Different.” Encyclopedia of American Folklife. May, 2006.
“Heritage Tourism: Authentic or Created Experience?” Organization of American Historians. TBA.
“Ghosts of Route 66: Santa Fe.” And other segments. Travel Channel. October 2004 through 2005.
_________ with Ron Winters. An Archaeological Inventory and Testing of .35 Acres at 824 Dunlap Street, Santa Fe, NM. January 2004. Research Report 04-0105. NMCRIS # 86995.
_________ with Ron Winters. An Archaeological Inventory and Testing of.295 Acres at 103 So. St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM. November-December 2003. Research Report 03-1015. NMCRIS #86997.
“New Mexico Parks.” Voice of America. Video for Newscast to Asian Market. 2003.
_________ with Douglas Boggess. Cultural Resource Survey and Testing of .36 Acres for the Parks Properties within the City of Santa Fe Historic District, Santa Fe County, New Mexico May- June 2002. Research Report 02-0515 and 02-0528. NMCRIS # 79026
_________ with Ron Winters. An Archaeological Inventory of 21.056 Acres for the San Mateo/Galisteo Project, Santa Fe, NM. April-May 2002. Research Report 02-0505. NMCRIS # 78765.
“Spanish Colonial Administration.” Dictionary of American History. Charles Scribner’s Sons/Gale Group. 2002.
“Architecture and History of Canyon Rd.” Video for Cable TV. High Noon Productions. “Dream Drives.” May 2000.
___________ with Roger Moore. An Archaeological and Cultural Resource Survey for 762½ Agua Fria, Santa Fe, New Mexico. April 2000. Research Report 00-4300. NMCRIS No. 70831.
___________ with Stephen Post. A Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Peralta Properties United Artists Theatres Development Project, Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico. August 1999. Research Report 99-810. NMCRIS No. ,
“Building a Landscape Genealogy of El Rancho de las Golondrinas Through Documentary Sources.” An Archaeological and Historical Cultural Landscape Study of El Rancho de las Golondrinas Living History Museum. June 1999. Office of Cultural Affairs #98-300, Spanish Colonial Landscape Study.
__________ and Stan Hordes. “History of the Western Portion of the Sanbusco Marketplace Property, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1610-1882.” Part of Preliminary Results of Archeological Investigations and Archival Study of Sanbusco and 544 Agua Fria Street, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Southwest Archaeological Consultants Research Series. SW 433, February 1998.
“Mescaleros: Survivors and Successes.” Papers of the 1998 AHA Annual Conference. Washington D.C.: American Historical Association.
“The City Different: A Walking Tour of Santa Fe.” Audio Cassette. Sunset Productions, 1997.
Contributor. Report on Priority Dates for Irrigation Ditches in the Pecos Valley Artesian Conservancy District. HMS Associates. 1995.
“Popé, Pose yemu and Naranjo: A New Look at Leadership in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680,” New Mexico Historical Review. 65 (1990): 417 35.
Contributor. The South Central New Mexico Regional Overview: History, Historic Archaeology, Architecture and Historic Preservation. Historic Preservation Division, Office of Cultural Affairs, State of New Mexico (1989). (Sections on timber, tourism, transportation)
“Santa Fe’s Solar Envelope” Sunpaper 6 (July/August 1981): 27 28.
“Land Grants and Water Rights: Fighting Words in the Twentieth First Century.” Los Alamos Historical Society. 2006; Senior Citizen Center, Albuquerque, 2007, Corrales Historical Society 2008; Westerners Association, Albuquerque 2009.
“The Politics of Rebellion: The Free Speech Movement and the Counter-Culture” In panel Student Power: A Revolution In Civil Rights Movements. Organization of American Historians Annual Conference. March, 2004.
“The Pueblo Revolt: Fact and Fantasy.” Inn of the Courts, Dec. 2005; Lewis and Clark Explorer II, 2005; San Juan Archaeological Society, 2004; Taos Historical Society. January, 2002; Santa Fe Public Library, October 2003; Corrales Historical Society, December, 2003; UNM Continuing Education Program, March, 2004; San Juan Archaeological Society, Oct 2004; Inn of the Courts, Dec 2005; DAR luncheon March 2006; Las Vegas Historical Society, 2006; Hispanic Genealogical Society, 2007 etc.
“Yaqui Warfare and Cultural Identity in the 19th and 20th Centuries.” In panel The Only Way Open to Us: Warfare and Cultural Adaptation in North American Indian History. Organization of American Historians Annual Conference. April 2002.
“Native American Resistance: Mescalero Style.” In panel created by author: Don’t Agonize, Organize!: US Indian Policy, American Indian Activism and Self-Determination. Western History Association Conference. October 2001.
“Go East, Young (Wo)Man! : Asian Experiences and Images in the US West” In panel created by author: Race and Ethnicity in the American West Through Literature and Film. Redefining the West. NM Highlands University. September, 2001.
“Naranjo as Cultural Broker.” In Symposium created by author on Leadership in the Pueblo Revolt. Santa Fe Public Library. August, 2001.
“Ethnic Diversity in New Mexico.” Dept. of Justice, Southwest Regional Division. June 2000.
“Jewish Legacy in New Mexico: The Sephardic Jews.” Private Group. May 2000.
“Art in Twentieth Century New Mexico.” Friends of the Oakland Art Museum. May 2000.
“Ownership Genealogy at El Rancho de las Golondrinas.” Docent Training Program. El Rancho de las Golondrinas. February 2000.
“Native American Art in the New Deal.” WPA lecture series at the Santa Fe Summer Antiquities Fair. July 1998
“The Indian New Deal in the Southwest.” Southwest Seminars. Cuarto Centenario series. July 1998; Farm and Ranch Museum, 2008; Geronimo Springs Historical Society, 2009.
“Popé, Pose yemu and Naranjo: A New Look at Leadership in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.”
Southwest Seminars. Cuarto Centenario series. June 1998.
Panelist and Creator. “From Extermination to Cultural Empowerment: Native American Experiences in the Twentieth Century.” AHA Annual Conference. January 1998.
Books Reviewed:
Matilda Coxe Stevenson: Pioneering Anthropologist. Darlis Miller. Journal of the West. TBA
Valles Calderas: A Vision for New Mexico National Preserve. William deBuys and Don J. Unser. Journal of the West. TBA.
Murder on the White Sands. Corey Reiko. Journal of the West. TBA.
The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon: An Eleventh Century Pueblo Regional Center. Stephen H. Lekson ed. Journal of the West. vol. 46, no. 4, Fall 2007.
Into the Canyon: Seven Years in Navajo Country. Lucy Moore. Journal of the West. vol. 46, no. 1, Winter 2007
Women in Utah History: Paradigm or Paradox. Patricia Lyn Scott and Linda Thatcher, eds. Journal of the West. vol. 45, no. 4, Fall 2006.
Silko: Writing Storyteller and Medicine Woman. Brewster E. Fitz. Journal of the West
vol. 45, no. 3, Summer 2006.
Colorado’s Japanese Americans: From 1886 to the Present. Bill Hokokawa. Journal of the West
vol. 45, no. 3, Summer 2006.
Shame and Endurance: The Untold Story of the Chiricahua Apache Prisoners of War. Henrietta Stockel. Western Historical Quarterly. Spring 2006.
Saleratus & Sagebrush: People and Places on the Road West. Robert L. Munkres. H-WEST@ H-NET.MSU.EDU. TBA.
Double Cross: Japanese Americans in Black and White Chicago. Jacalyn D. Harden. H-USA@H-NET.MSU.EDU January, 2004
Captives and Cousins: Slavery, Kinship, and Community in the Southwest Borderlands. James F. Brooks. H-WEST@H-NET.MSU.EDU. December, 2002.
Fluid Arguments. Char Miller, ed. Western Legal History. Winter/Spring, 2002.
Disease and Medical Care in the Mountain West: Essays on Region, History, and Practice.
Martha L. Hildreth & Bruce T. Moran. New Mexico Historical Review. 74 (1999): 321.
White Man’s Medicine: Government Doctors and the Navajo. Robert Trennert. New Mexico Historical Review. 74 (1999): 321.
Geronimo’s Kids: A Teacher’s Lessons on the Apache Reservation. Rev. Robert S. Owe & H. Henrietta Stockel. New Mexico Historical Review. 74 (1999): 80.
Cowboys & Cave Dwellers: Basketmaker Archaeology in Utah’s Grand Gulch. Fred M. Blackburn & Ray A. Williamson. New Mexico Historical Review. 73 (1998) 77.
Waters of Zion. Daniel McCool. New Mexico Historical Review. 72 (1997): 195.
The Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Andrew L. Knaut. New Mexico Historical Review. 71 (1996): 395.
Caroline Lockhart: Her Life and Legacy. Necah Stewart Furman. New Mexico Historical Review. 71 (1996): 76.
Apache Mothers and Daughters. R. McDonald Boyer and N. Duffy Gayton. New Mexico Historical Review. 69 (1994): 189.
Books Edited/Indexed
Barrett, Elinore M. The Mexican Colonial Copper Industry. Albuquerque: University New
Mexico (UNM), 1987.
Britton, John A. Carleton Beals: A Radical Journalist in Latin America. Albuquerque: UNM, 1987.
Granjon, Henry Monseignor. Along the Rio Grande: A Pastoral Visit to Southwest
New Mexico in 1902. Albuquerque: UNM, 1986.
Larson, Robert W. Populism in the Mountain West. Albuquerque: UNM, 1986.
Classes Taught:
Landlord Tenant Law (CLE Sterling Institute)
US History (2-semester survey) Western Cultures
History of New Mexico History of the Southwest
NM’s Nomads: Navajos and Apaches The Indian New Deal in the Southwest
The Southwest as Image in the 20C Southwestern Mystery Writers
The History of the Southwest through Literature Introduction to Writers of the Southwest
Women and the West: Diaries and Biographies Image of Native Americans in Literature
Sample classes for FEMA:
Management and Communication Trainings
Choosing Your Response to Anger
Providing Effective Feedback
Solving Problems and Making Decisions
What Happens When We Assume
Interest- Based Negotiations
Team Building for Supervisors
Managing Change: Surviving, Managing and Seizing Opportunity in the Midst of Change
Communication and Conflict Management Within a Team
Dr. John L. Kessell 174 Windmill Drive, Durango CO 81301
Dr. Stan Hordes HMS Associates P.O. Box 4543 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
Representative James Roger Madalena P.O. Box 255 Jemez, New Mexico 87024
Representative Joe Stell 22 Colwell Ranch Rd., Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220
Dana Sandlin 122 West Johnston St., Summerville SC. 8438147286